Welcome to the MPA Pool players web Site.

2024 - 2025 Season

We are still supporting SMS and Telegram as destinations to receive text messages from MPAPool. Whatsapp still works but there are a lot of restrictions and performance issues.

Install Telegram on your iPhone or Android. Once you get setup search for MPAPool. Your first command is /start #### (Your Player Number). Once you get your welcome message you receive all MPAPool messages on Telegram. This is the platform I am planning on using going forward. Try it, I hope you like it.

Meta Support
Meta has fixed some of their performance issues but there is still a lot of restrictions I still need to work through. I am hoping to get this resolved along with Facebook messenger support sometime this season.

MPA match notifications will come from 1-206-672-7665 (1-206-MPAPOOL). So make sure you put that number in your contact list before your next tournament.


The 2024-2025 season started on August 1st. Which means it is time to pay your 2024-2025 sanctioning fee.

Your sanction fees get used for tournaments during the season as added money, and Help to pay for some of the ongoing expenses for the Web site.

MPA Logo
Upcoming Tournaments
Sky Dancer Casino
Tournament Flyer

Click here for Flyer and registration forms.

Tournament Flyer
$20,000 Added Sky Dancer Casino Pool Tournament
Thu, Mar 27, 2025 - Sun, Mar 30, 2025
8th Annual Sky Dancer Pool Tournament - $20,000 Added!!!!
Thursday 7pm - Singles 9-Ball - Upper Division (Master/AA/A) - $60, Lower Division (B/C) - $60
Friday 7pm - Singles 8-Ball - 4 Divisions - Master/AA - $100, A - $80, B - $60, C - $60
Open Singles 9 Ball - Starts on Thursday at 07:00 PM - Check In starts at 05:00 PM.
Upper 9-Ball Singles - Entry $60.00     Lower 9-Ball SIngles - Entry $60.00    
Women's 9-Ball - Starts on Thursday at 07:00 PM - Check In starts at 05:00 PM.
Open - Entry $60.00    
Warm-Up - Starts on Friday at 12:30 PM - Check In starts at 10:00 AM.
Gold Flight - Entry $20.00     Silver Flight - Entry $20.00    
Open Singles 8 Ball - Starts on Friday at 07:00 PM - Check In starts at 05:00 PM.
Master/AA - Entry $100.00     A - Entry $80.00     B - Entry $60.00     C - Entry $60.00    
Women's Division - Starts on Friday at 07:00 PM - Check In starts at 05:00 PM.
Open - Entry $60.00    
Open Team 8 Ball - Starts on Saturday at 02:00 PM - Check In starts at 10:00 AM.
Open - Entry $180.00    
Saturday 2 PM - 3-Person Team 8-Ball - $180/team entry
Teams Cannot Exceed 10 based on the following: Master-5, AA-4, A-3, B-2, C-1. Race to Base Number Plus 3
Use FargoRate as follows: Master - 626 & Over, AA-576-625, A-526-575, B-476-525, C - 475 & Under.
Book your Hotel rooms and get entered online. Call 701-244-2400 to reserve your rooms.
No Credit Cards will be accepted after March 21, 2025

This is a MPA Sponsored tournament. You Do Not need to be a MPA Sanctioned Member to participate! This Tournament will be run by the MPA.
Magnifying glass
League Player Appreciation (CR'S League Players Only)
Sat, Apr 05, 2025
CR'S League Player Appreciation Day
Three Divisions Div #1 Open / Div #2 M8 Rating 60-85 / Div #3 M8 Rating 59 & Under
FREE TOURNAMENT / Open to CR'S League Players Only
FREE Tournament For CR'S League Players - Starts on Saturday at 10:00 AM - Check In starts at 09:00 AM.
M8 Rating OPEN     Div #2 M8 Rating 60 - 85     Div #3 M8 Rating 59 & Under    
Doors Open 9am / Tournament Starts 10am
Played on 7' Diamond Tables / BCA Rules / Winner Breaks

This is Not an MPA Sanctioned/Sponsored tournament. This tournament will be run by the Sponsor.
CR's Sports Bar
Tournament Flyer

Click here for Flyer and registration forms.

CR'S $1000 Added 3 Division 8 Ball Tournament
Sat, Apr 12, 2025
$1000 Added 3 Division Fargo Rate 8 Ball Tournament
Division #1 599 & Under
Division # 2 549 & Under / Division 3 475 & Under
Open Singles 8 Ball - Starts on Saturday at 10:00 AM - Check In starts at 09:00 AM.
599 & Under - Entry $80.00     549 & Under - Entry $60.00     475 & Under - Entry $60.00    
BCA Rules / Winner Breaks / Greens Fees Included
Played on 20 7-foot Diamond tables. Doors Open 9:00am / Starts 10:00am
Questions or Information Call Billy Benson @ 763-486-2887
CR's LiveStream

This is a MPA sanctioned tournament. You MUST be a MPA Sanctioned Member to participate! This Tournament will be run by the MPA.
4 Bears Casino & Lodge
Tournament Flyer

Click here for Flyer and registration forms.

33rd Annual 4 Bears 8-Ball Classic
Thu, Apr 17, 2025 - Sun, Apr 20, 2025
33rd Annual 4 Bears 8-Ball Classic
4 Bears Casino & Lodge - New Town, ND
Open Singles 9 Ball - Starts on Thursday at 03:00 PM - Check In starts at 12:00 PM.
9-Ball - Entry $100.00    
Women's 9-Ball - Starts on Thursday at 03:00 PM - Check In starts at 12:00 PM.
Women's 9-Ball - Entry $100.00    
Open Singles 8 Ball - Starts on Friday at 03:00 PM - Check In starts at 12:00 PM.
Men's Open 8-Ball - Entry $125.00    
Women's 8-Ball - Starts on Friday at 03:00 PM - Check In starts at 12:00 PM.
Women's 8-Ball - Entry $125.00    
Open Senior (Shark) Singles 60+ - Starts on Friday at 03:00 PM - Check In starts at 12:00 PM.
Open Senior (Shark) Singles 60+ - Entry $125.00    
Youth Singles Tournament - Starts on Sunday at 12:00 PM - Check In starts at 10:00 AM.
Ages 7-9     Ages 10-13     Ages 14-17    
SECOND CHANCE 10-BALL, 9-BALL, AND 8-BALL Tournaments - Sign up on-site when eliminated from feature event.
Get entered early and get your hotel rooms booked - they will fill!!!
Call Ray Poitra at 701-421-9880 to get your Hotel Room Booked after you have entered the events.
No Credit Cards will be accepted after April 12, 2025

This is a MPA Sponsored tournament. You Do Not need to be a MPA Sanctioned Member to participate! This Tournament will be run by the MPA.
CR's Sports Bar
Tournament Flyer

Click here for Flyer and registration forms.

3rd Annual MB 535 & Under 9-Ball High Roller
Sat, Apr 26, 2025 - Sun, Apr 27, 2025
3rd Annual MB 9 Ball High Roller
$500 Entry /Open to First 32 Players Fargo Rate 535 & Under / 9 Ball on 7' Diamond Tables
Fargo Rate Locks At Time Of Entry /Must pay in full to be locked and on list
Fargo Rate 535 & Under - Starts on Saturday at 10:00 AM - Check In starts at 08:00 AM.
Fargo Rate 535 & Under - Entry $500.00     600 & Under - Entry $500.00    
Race to 9 Both Sides /Finals one race to 15 / 500 Game Robustness / no exceptions / Fargo rate must be 535 or below by date flyer is released which is 1/29/25
Tournament will go all day Saturday, Sunday will be used if needed. Side Pots $200 / $100 / $100
Call Or Text Billy 763-486-2887 to get signed up

This is a MPA sanctioned tournament. You MUST be a MPA Sanctioned Member to participate! This Tournament will be run by the MPA.
Magnifying glass
CR's Sports Bar
Tournament Flyer

Click here for Flyer and registration forms.

CRs $1000 added Scotch Doubles 8 Ball Tournament
Sat, May 03, 2025
CR's Sportsbar Scotch Doubles 8 Ball - $1000 Added
First 48 entries Paid Venmo available / Call Billy 763-486-2887
Division #1 Fargo Rate 1225 & Under / Division #2 1025 & Under
Open Scotch Doubles 8 Ball - Starts on Saturday at 10:00 AM - Check In starts at 08:30 AM.
Fargo Rate 1225 & Under - Entry $120.00     Fargo Rate 1025 & Under - Entry $120.00    
Doors Open 8:30am / Play Starts 10am
150 game robustness or tournament director discretion
$120 per team greens fee included / Side Pots Division #1 $80 / Division #2 $40

This is a MPA sanctioned tournament. You MUST be a MPA Sanctioned Member to participate! This Tournament will be run by the MPA.
Magnifying glass

Changes for the 2024-2025 Season

Hello Everyone, and WELCOME to the 2024-2025 MPA Pool Season! We have some exciting new changes taking effect this year, and we are implementing these changes at our upcoming tournaments. The largest move we've made is with our rankings, and placing our players according to FargoRate. In an effort to make our rankings similar to neighboring states, we will be using the following FargoRate numbers for our respective divisions:

MPA Fargo M8 CSR Comment
Pro > 730 n/a    
Master > 625 > 140 > 1850  
AA 576-625 116-140 1801-1850  
A 526-575 86-115 1741-1800  
B 476-525 60-85 1651-1740  
C 426-475 < 60 1576-1650 Really < 476
D < 426 < 40 < 1576 Selected tournaments only

For those players on our database already, we will be making the adjustment to reflect their division raking based on their current FargoRate. For other players coming into our system, we will place them according to their FargoRate. If the incoming player does not have a FargoRate, we will need some documentation of performance from league play, or that player will get defaulted into the "A" Division, unless there is some kind of "known ability" of that person that would put them elsewhere. We will not allow new players to come and "rob" our lower divisions. Our concern is with protecting the divisions for the loyal MPA membership.

For most of our smaller events, we will be restricting the field sizes of our divisions. We are doing this so we can get the event done by closing time (or shortly after), and so the tournament continues to run smoothly without long wait times between matches. Most of our smaller events will be restricted to the first PAID 32 players per division (128 players total). Players will be able to register and pay online. Registering online and not paying for your entry will NOT guarantee you a spot, and you will be replaced with a paid player if one registers.

Larger events, like the Upper Midwest Shootout, and casino tournaments, will still have larger fields. But we will post our field sizes at other events.

The MPA currently has over 29,979 players in the database as of November 25, 2024 with over 9,200 playing at least one event since 2018, and we proudly host over $100,000 annually in added money tournaments. I know the COVID put a slow-down on our efforts, but now that we're back, we're looking to build more tournaments, and look forward to making your pool tournament experiences pleasurable!

We hope we will be seeing you at some of our upcoming events!!!

Online Registration for the 2024-2025 season!

If you are trying to register for a Tournament/Event you will need to have a UserID and Password for the MPA site in order to register online. If you do not have one try using your google or Facebook account.

MPA Online registration information.

Having trouble getting logged on? Send me an Email.It only takes a minute to set you up if you do not have a userid. You must be in our database to get a userid, so if your aren't in our database click the "Join MPA" on the tool bar and answer the questions, shouldn't take more than 2 minutes of your time. That will get you in our database and also setup your UserID and Password. If you don't know if you are already in, click on the "Player Lists" link and look yourself up.

Note that you will not see the registration links until you are logged on.

MPA Sanctioned Teams can qualify for the ACS Nationals!

As many of you may know, we have been looking at doing a tournament in Vegas.

But instead of doing our own MPA event, we talked to John Lewis from the ACS and have worked out an arrangement that will allow all MPA League sanctioned players to play in the ACS Nationals on May 11-18, 2024.

You must be sanctioned through your LEAGUE. Individual ($20 MPA Individual Sanctioned) members will not be included, as they must meet the criteria of playing a minimum of 8 weeks of league in order to be eligible for the ACS Nationals.

Our MPA players will now be able to play in all of the events out there (singles, doubles, 9-ball, 8-ball, team, etc), and the Tropicana is a great location for this event. I went out there last May and got my national referee certification at this event, and it's well run, organized, and reasonably priced for the pool player's budget. I hope that many of you will plan on participating in the 2024-2025 ACS Nationals. Plan early - get your rooms and flights reserved, and I hope to see you out there!!!

You can find more information here

Please feel free to field any questions to John Stich, as we are very proud of this relationship we've developed, and think it's a great thing for both the MPA and the ACS.

For more information on the ACS Nationals, go to their website - americancuesports.org Thank you.

When you get a minute.

So if you are an individual or a league operator make sure you understand the sanctioning rules for the upcoming by reading the 2019-2024 League Operators Manual .


We would appreciate comments and suggestions on what we have or what content, as a pool player, you would like to see on this site. Send comments to us at MPAPool.

Mueller ChampionShip Table Cloth Jacoby Custom Cues

MPA Advertisers Area

Your company logo and/or web link should be here.

RailBird Pool TV NCP iLoan Tables Plus AC Billiards CRs M8 Pool Leagues Twin City Billiards Shooters Rum River Pool League